Pakistan Interfaith League (PIL)

Pakistan Interfaith League (PIL) is the Socio-Political Wing of National Baptist Church of Pakistan (NBCP), comprising a network of religious scholars, local clerics, political workers, journalists, lawyers, students, and civil society representatives, specifically focusing to promote interfaith harmony, peace and collective wisdom in their respective domains.

PIL envisions the whole nation united under one flag irrespective of religious beliefs, ethnicity, traditions and culture to contribute in prosperity, peace and stability of Pakistan.

PIL’s Mission is uniting people for peaceful, social, political and religious coexistence

Through advocacy and lobbying, PIL endeavors to establish the political will of lawmakers and other government functionaries to review, amend and truly promulgate clauses given in the Constitution of Pakistan that discriminate between the citizens of Pakistan on the basis of religion and safeguard the rights of religious minorities in Pakistan.

PIL advocates highlighting the pertinence of Religious Freedom, Pluralism, Religious Tolerance, Interfaith Harmony and Peace through extensive campaigns and initiates dialogues and helps build public opinion among different religious groups. PIL also Lobbies with heads of Political Parties, Cabinet Members and Parliamentarians for legislative reforms.