I take the opportunity to present this greeting on the behalf of The National Baptist Church of Pakistan (NBCP) in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ and extend a very humble and hearty welcome to you all to this Website.
The National Baptist Church of Pakistan (NBCP) was established in 1990. It has been quite a challenge to cater to the needs of Christians in an Islamic State and share the word of God with the non-believers. We give thanks to the Lord Almighty who has blessed NBCP with dedicated pastors, evangelists, deacons and administrative support who strive to reach out to the most challenging areas and spread the good news among Christians and non-believers.
The aim of NBCP is to fulfill the Great Commandment of Jesus Christ, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”.
We need your prayer and support to continue witnessing the message of salvation in the Islamic state of Pakistan and pave the path for His second coming.
You may also support NBCP Ministries through your tithes, gifts in kind; donations for Church planting; donation of Bibles and other religious books and humanitarian assistance.
In Christ,
Rt. Rev. Ishaq Mazhar Sandhu
Former Chairman NBCP